Cell Groups


At Woodlands we use Small Groups (we call them Cell Groups) to develop relationships at a level where people can really get to know each other, pray for each other and provide support for each other.

Our Cell Groups  generally meet in someone’s home twice a month, for a time of studying God’s Word and helping each other apply it to our lives. They are also about praying together,  sharing together (and that includes food), and laughing together. The craic is great!

We didn’t invent Cell Groups. We believe they were God’s idea. He designed us for community and Jesus prayed that that community would be just like the one within the Trinity. How amazing! You should join a Cell not only because you need your brothers and sisters, but also because they need you.

So how can I join a Cell Group?

Cell Groups are open to everyone. The leaders of the church desire that everyone receives the love support and development that comes through the ministry of our   small groups. New people are always welcome, and you don’t even need to be a church member to join! The benefits of cell life come from regular ongoing relationship with one another.  It’s a bit like being a member of a family.

We have cell groups running on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, so choose whichever night is most suitable for you.


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