In Matthew 28, Jesus gives his disciples the instruction to, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
At Woodlands we fully embrace the great commission and our support of a number of missionaries, both here in Northern Ireland and further afield, is a big part of that.
Some of our current missionaries are shown below, along with links to their websites and prayer updates.
Robin Scott
Robin works for Prison Fellowship Northern Ireland a Christian ministry to prisoners, former prisoners and their families and those who are victims of crime irrespective of their religious or political background.
He serves as Chief Executive overseeing the day to day management of the organisation with a hands-on approach visiting all three prisons, supporting families and those released.
Prison Fellowship seeks to “Offer Hope and a new beginning”, believing that every man and women has the right to hear that God’s grace is freely available to all and that they can have a personal relationship with Christ which can transform their lives both for today and for eternity.
To find out more about the ministry of Prison Fellowship (NI) visit their website by clicking here.

Brian Dorman
Brian Dorman has been responsible for directing the work of Africare since 1985, when development of an orphanage and children’s programme started in Uganda.
Africare is now a family trust, the trustees being Brian, his wife Hazel, and son Phil. Brian takes responsibility for the day to day work which has been wide ranging over the years, centring on outreach and medical work mostly in Uganda. Africare established the Acheru unit for the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled children, with 37 inpatient beds plus an outpatient and community programme. Africare is committed to providing over 95% of the Acheru budget, and has also been providing practical help to a number of partner hospitals.
Brian has written a number of books on the work in Uganda including ‘The tree, the boat, and the broken leg’ and ‘The Road to Kabembe’.
More information can be found at