Boys’ Brigade is a uniformed organisation for all boys of primary and secondary school age, meeting on Thursday nights for fellowship, learning and sports (mainly football).
The objective of BB is “The advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.” (Taken from www.boys-brigade.co.uk)
This is to be achieved by the structured teaching of scripture in partnership with the main body of the church, badge classes wherein the boys will have the opportunity to learn new skills and assume leadership roles, and promoting respect and good will towards one another through fellowship and good sportsmanship.
Sections & Times
BB is split into three groups organised as follows:
Anchor Boys – for boys of P1-P4 age, meeting from 6.15-7.30
Junior Section – for boys of P5-P7 age, meeting from 7.00-8.30
Company Section – for boys of Year 8 age +, meeting from 7.45-10.00
Uniform for year 8 – 10 is black school trousers and black school shoes, navy BB polo shirt and navy BB sweatshirt. For year 11+, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and trainers with navy BB polo shirt.
We play football regularly on Saturday afternoons against other BB companies from the East Antrim Battalion. We also participated in other activities as announced at BB. One example being the quiz team.
If you’ve never been a BB member before please do not hesitate to come along.
Key Contact
For more information contact:
Stephen Kinkaid (07778594772)