Parent and Toddlers takes place Tuesdays (Term time) from 10.00-11.30am. This group is for any child, aged from birth until they start school, and their parents or carers .
We have lots of toys available including a baby space, imaginary play and larger equipment such as a trampoline and toddler slides. Sometimes Jo Jingles visits and we enjoy singing songs and rhymes with him. We always have snack time for children as well as a cuppa and treat for the adults. We sometimes have arts & crafts activities like painting, colouring or play-dough. The morning ends with a story and song time when we learn something about God and how much He loves us.
Each quarter we have a parents and carers social night – always great fun!
We would love to see you there. Please check the Treetots Facebook Page for available spaces before attending.
Key Contact
For more information about Treetots contact Jenny Morgan – 07792247010.